Thank you everyone for a marvelous second year in business.
Each anniversary, I tally up the requests from all your exams (you were asked to pick one of the deserving non-profits below during your check-in) and write out checks for the wonderful non-profit organizations that reside here in Portland.
Here's how you wanted your contributions distributed:
10.90% Mercy Corps
11.45% Sustainable Northwest
14.25% Oregon Public Broadcasting
16.76% Oregon Food Bank
46.65% None chosen - Last year, I chose to give this category of donations to SaveDarfur.org to aid in the fight against the horrific genocide taking place there. There have been talks between warring parties and internationally, but the suffering continues so I will donate half of this year's sum to SaveDarfur.org and the rest will be distributed proportionally to the other nonprofits on the list.
Thank you for being a part of my business and it's efforts to give back to the local and global community. Your feedback on this program has been motivating and much appreciated.
Hope you're all enjoying the summer.