Your Neighborhood Optometrist

Friday, April 17, 2009

Omega 3's, please

You get them through eating cold-water fish (salmon, trout, sardines, herring, etc) or taking fish oil supplements daily. Omega 3 fatty acids are often not consumed enough vs. the omega-6's that are readily available in the foods we regularly eat.

Omega 3's have natural anti-inflammatory properties, help to increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, and protect against heart disease by removing existing plaque build up in arteries.

Specifically for eyes, diets rich in omega 3's may help eliminate the signs and symptoms of dry eyes which from recent research are in large part due to low grade chronic inflammation. It restores the tear gland's function as well as clears and evens the oils needed to keep our tears thick and long-lasting.

Fish oil is 100% natural. It helps not only to decrease inflammation but also enables the body to do its own repair work. This helps to prevent recurrence, not just the quick fix.

Who should take it and how much?

Everyone should take 1,000mg a day.
If you suffer from dry eyes, take 1,000mg, three times a day.
Women do tend to exhibit dry eyes nine times more than men. As we get older, our eyes get dryer, too.
Neutraceuticals (vs. pharmaceuticals) take longer to show results so stick to this regimen for up to three months before judging efficacy.

So many reasons to start taking in the Omega 3's. They may not taste the best, though, so take it with a meal :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Interesting facts I just came by..

  • Nearly 20% of adults have never been to an eye doctor.
  • 82% of consumers know UV can cause skin cancer; only 9% know it can harm the eyes.
  • About 75% of all new cases of Type I Diabetes occur in patients under the age of 18; eye exams can find this.
  • 1 in 4 school-age children has an undiagnosed vision problem
- source: Vision Associations

Now you know....don't let your eyes go unchecked.

The weather is amazing!

Just a quick update from Dr. Summy To :)

It's been a few months of trying to direct this practice in the direction for the best growth, integrity and innovation.

I'm going paperless soon - good for all of us. That means less mess, faster turnaround on getting you your prescriptions, billing insurance, more efficient record-keeping and doing the right thing for the planet.

The practice I was looking at purchasing did not pan out but that only means redirecting that energy to something better. I'm still looking to add a location in Hollywood while seeing my patients at Eagle Eye.

I will write more soon - something more eyeball-related :)

Enjoy the sun but don't forget the shades!

Summy To